Here at North Branch Farm, we have broken the stasis of winter. Proof is in the dripping taps in the sugar maples, the ever-lengthening days, and the flock of cedar waxwings devouring the remaining Amber Cider Crab apples. It feels great, but there’s also a sense of impending chaos and obligation that comes with the growing season.
Over at the farm the other day, Graham and Tyler were converting a horse-drawn sickle bar mower into a horse-drawn, ground-driven PTO shaft. This means that we’ll be able to use power generated by the wheels spinning over the ground, pulled by April and May, to run equipment that we could otherwise only use behind a tractor. Pretty exciting! I don’t think I could explain the details without making a mess of it, but stop by the farm someday and if any of us are around we’ll show you how it works.
North Branch Farmers will be making their first appearances at MOFGA-sponsored CSA Fairs this weekend, looking for members for our 2011-2012 Winter CSA. Come out and see us Sunday, February 27th, from 1-3pm at the Unitarian Universalist churches in both Bangor and Belfast. We are growing all kinds of tasty storage crops, including carrots, potatoes, squash, garlic, onions, cabbage and beets, to give out over the course of next winter. If you’d be interested in coming by the farm and getting a pile of our veggies every other week from November 2011 to February 2012, let us know!
Ada’s waking up, so I’m back on momma-duty. Until soon!
glad to hear the sap is starting to run! Always a good sign for those suffering from cabin fever.
This is Nick from No Umbrella Media writing and I wanted to let you all know that the Sap Pail DVD’s are finished – and the North Branch Farm segment is one of the crowd favorites.
I wanted to mail a copy to the farm in case it takes GW a little bit to make his way over there to put one in your hand personally.
Can you please send me your mailing address and I will ship you off a copy toot-sweet.
Also, we have a website where you can view the trailer in the meantime:
Thanks so much!
All the best,
Nick Callanan