Fruit tree planting time!

Peaches, pears, kiwis…and of course, apples! In our first major departure from our normal way of doing business (thank you, coronavirus), we have a google spreadsheet to share with you of trees you can pre-order.

All are organic, all were grown here at North Branch Farm. All are cold hardy and lend themselves to organic production.

Some are bare-rooted and need to be planted ASAP. Others are in pots and can be planted whenever you’re ready for them. Many of these are trees we had planned to sell at the Common Ground Country Fair, which has been moved to a virtual fair as of yesterday. Prices and details about the plants (pot size vs. bare root, rootstock, etc) are in the spreadsheet.  Email us if you want to place an order or if you have questions or issues pulling up the spreadsheet!



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