Ramblin’ in the new mown hay

It’s hay season! A smattering of photos to illustrate some of what that’s likeGround-driven PTO forecart (for tedding) and John Deere No. 4 Big sickle bar mowerChain of…command? fools? Loose hay loader, Anna on hay wagon, Seth and Ada on the...

A small collection of photos to give the feel of the farm these days:High bush blueberries in pots, for sale.Hazelnut “tubelings,” now happily growing in the nursery along with baby American chestnuts, amelancher cherries, grapes, and all kinds of other...

Planting season 2011

With blackfly season halfpast, all the seeds in the ground, and a half-inch of rain tumbled down to get them started, we’re basically sitting around drinking lemonade and sunbathing. But when we’re not busy doing that, we’re weeding the garlic and...

Tyler the Magnificent

Everyone works hard around here at whatever it is they’re doing, and this post is a special Ode to Tyler. Tyler has undeniably made a lot of things possible, including:-reflooring the barn, by recruiting Graham for the winter so that he would have a safety...

Signs of Spring

The croci at Chris and Jonathan’s house are going wild, like preschool crayons poking up amongst last years dead stalks of lilies, hollyhocks, morning glories, and other summer beauties. Little Ada’s asleep on my chest, our neighbor has pulled out his...

This past week, Lucretia and I, with assistance from Elsie, Minh, Lân and Ada, started our first round of seedlings: onions, leeks and celeriac. We’re a little late, but within the range of normal. Nothing has sprouted yet, but I expect to see some baby onions...

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