Working in high gear

Working in high gear

In the small, everyday conversations of life at this time of year, lots of people ask each other, “How’s your spring going?” and this year more so than ever before I find myself honestly responding with “Really busy.  And really good.” ...
Grafting tutorial and more

Grafting tutorial and more

Someday, when I create a farm calendar, the months will be: January, February, March, Apple, May, etc…and happily, as of today, bench grafting of apples (and some minor amounts of other fruit trees) is complete.  Below you will find Elsie’s photo tutorial...
April showers, check.

April showers, check.

The fury of spring, days longer than nights, warmer weather, and awakening earth are all upon us.  Right now you can assume that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of new blogging about the farm and the amount of new projects on the farm. Our new...
March-ing on

March-ing on

It looks like winter may be going out with a bang (or plop) this year, with Winter Storm Ukko predicted to bring us 8-12 inches of snow over the next couple of days.  We have just a few residual patches of snow at this point, but they haven’t shrunk over the...
Grain Bin, Up!

Grain Bin, Up!

The four-ton silo went up on a snowy day last week with help from family and friends.  Luckily, it doesn’t actually weigh four tons, but it does hold that much grain.  We’re due to get our first delivery of grain in the next couple of weeks....


Uploading photos from my camera today, I noticed the color theme was overwhelmingly gray, which seems to be oftentimes what February is like in these years of climate change.  I hear tell that this part of Maine used to be white clear into April, but not so in the few...

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