New Lunar Year

New Lunar Year

Yesterday we had a farm meeting with the four of us farmers–Tyler, Elsie, Seth and I–where it was brought up once again that the North Branch Farm blog has been neglected.  We’re going to try to get back on track.  One picture for each month since...
North Branch Farm Stand, Thanksgiving Edition

North Branch Farm Stand, Thanksgiving Edition

I’m here with a shameless marketing ploy, so I hope those of you far away can see it as news of the farm, and those of you close by can spread the word!  Here goes… Why go to the supermarket when you could come to North Branch Farm?  Our farm stand is open...
First Frost, Etc.

First Frost, Etc.

We’ve had some blazingly brilliant days and cool nights here on the farm, with our first light, patchy frost just a week ago.  Fall is a time I am both excited and relieved by every year, and I’m glad to see it’s here again.  Just in time to save us...
August’s Closing Shop

August’s Closing Shop

Time flies when you’re working hard…sometimes you forget to eat lunch, or pee, or even (astonishingly) write a blog entry.  But the farm is still here, and thriving on the whole.  We are deeply grateful to Kerstin and Katya, our apprentices this season,...
Fence-Building etc.

Fence-Building etc.

It’s July 15th, and the crops are in!  We just have some late successions of lettuce, pac choi and the like to get in over the next couple months.  Potato planting this year was a speedy group effort: dig a shallow trench with a wheel hoe, band in fish meal and...

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