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Our Nursery

TREE SALE 2025: APRIL 26 & 27, 10AM-1PM

Our organic nursery is coordinated by Seth Yentes, who started growing fruit trees for wholesale in 2006. The nursery now grows for wholesale to a few distributors, the largest of which is FEDCO Trees (a nursery cooperative of which we are members). The fruit trees we grow are bud-grafted or bench-grafted to combine the desired variety, such as Black Oxford apple, onto a compatible rootstock that will define its final size: standard (full-size), semi-dwarf or dwarf.  The trees are then grown in our nursery for two seasons. If you are looking for high-quality fruit trees that are cold-hardy and pest- and disease-resistant, we highly recommend the FEDCO Trees catalog, in paper or on their website. They are generally open for ordering from early Fall through mid-March. We have a Tree Sale for the general public at the farm once a year, usually the last weekend of April. You can check for updates on the blog or on our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

If you are interested in wholesale fruit trees or custom grafting,

please contact Seth Yentes: 207-525-3323


Apple Trees

Pear Trees

Plum Trees

Cherry Trees

Peach Trees





Black Chokeberries

American Chestnuts



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