Welcome To North Branch Farm

We are a family-owned and -run, mixed tractor-, hand- and horse-powered, MOFGA-certified organic farm located on 330 acres of fields and woodland in Monroe, Maine. Currently we specialize in producing grass-fed beef, u-pick highbush blueberries, seed garlic, apples, pears, and potted and bare-root fruit trees.

Farm Blog

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In like a lion?

March seems to be coming in like a big wet, snarly lion. And while it may go out like a lamb, we won't be going out with lambs, because our lambs aren't due until April! Our sugaring season has been a bit funny so far; it's been either warmish and gray or frigid and...

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Here at North Branch Farm, we have broken the stasis of winter. Proof is in the dripping taps in the sugar maples, the ever-lengthening days, and the flock of cedar waxwings devouring the remaining Amber Cider Crab apples. It feels great, but there's also a sense of...

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February Thaw

People are calling it a February "thaw" which you'd think would involve the temperature rising above 32 F. But it seems to count as a thaw when it gets warm enough that salty road ice melts and the sun beating on dark roofs causes the snow to shed off. I turned 26...

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