Welcome To North Branch Farm
We are a family-owned and -run, mixed tractor-, hand- and horse-powered, MOFGA-certified organic farm located on 330 acres of fields and woodland in Monroe, Maine. Currently we specialize in producing grass-fed beef, u-pick highbush blueberries, seed garlic, apples, pears, and potted and bare-root fruit trees.

Farm Blog
keep up with recent happenings on our farm by subscribing to our blog!Here's that ram I was talking about:I think he's done his time here and is ready to move on to his next home.Here is the Yentes-Quinn house:It's come a long way since this photo, but this will help mark the progress until I get the newest shots loaded. Seth, Lao and...
I am about as disconnected to the farm as I've ever been, but I have been missing it and wanting to give an update on it--as best I can. So here it is:Ovine: The big, new sheep have been combined with the small, old sheep and they are happily grazing inside their...
Welcoming Ada Ruth!
The long pause on blog entries has been due not to a dearth of excitement but rather to an overwhelming amount of momentousness! Our baby, Ada Ruth Yentes-Quinn, was born at 4:23 am on Wednesday, September 22, 2010. She weighed 8 lbs, 3 0z, was 20 3/8 inches long, and...
Mountains of Treasures
Dear friends--Oh my goodness gracious, how time flies! I thought it had been barely more than a week since our last post, but it looks like it's been a full two and a half. Let me see what I can pull together.We had another epic round of salsa-making in early...