Welcome To North Branch Farm
We are a family-owned and -run, mixed tractor-, hand- and horse-powered, MOFGA-certified organic farm located on 330 acres of fields and woodland in Monroe, Maine. Currently we specialize in producing grass-fed beef, u-pick highbush blueberries, seed garlic, apples, pears, and potted and bare-root fruit trees.

Farm Blog
keep up with recent happenings on our farm by subscribing to our blog!Porta-Farm
Adventure of the day: moving Dolly and Riley, our Haflinger draft ponies, a chicken tractor, and twelve Rhode Island Reds stuffed in cardboard boxes from the old farm to North Branch Farm using our new beasty truck. Seth seen modeling the season's fashions.
Oh yes, a House! And Music!
Here you may enjoy a glimpse of our living room and our library-guest-room-phone nook.Last we spoke, the barn was full of cars, the yard full of camper-trailers and more cars, and the house was full of old stuff. In the intervening weeks, we have helped the former...
Vehicular Voisins
Our barn is currently inhabited by vehicles (5 downstairs, 3 up), junk, and trash. Supposedly, the cars are leaving on Saturday and then the barn will be All Ours so we can really get down to business on the inside--sistering up rafters, replacing floorboards, and...
Back at the Homestead
These beauties are a few of nearly 1000 lbs of cabbage we harvested this fall, now safely wrapped in newspaper and stowed in the root cellar. Come visit us, and you too can be included in our 2lbs of cabbage per capita per week rule.The first bake in the bread oven...