Welcome To North Branch Farm

Farm Blog
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Hi friends, After spending about a month identifying very strongly with the beavers in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, as in, "Winter is really beautiful, but holy cow! when are we supposed to restock our food and fuel and let our babies run around...
Squash Zombies
Hi folks*, The days are getting longer, and the paths around the farm, which have been treacherous running-water-over-ice, have almost turned to mud. I think that one of the most relieving things about farming is that there is absolutely nothing we can do to change...
Harvest season
Towards the end of this time of harvesting, we're all feeling nested and provisioned for the winter. Stocking the root cellar is complete. December is here with her wintry mix and we have been busy making beef jerky, scrapple, lard, bacon, ham, sausage, and...
Fall Eating
Fall eating is here once again! The stripes on our gradually-ripening Delicata squash are starting to turn orange against a lemon-cream background and a couple of frosts have helped sweeten up the Brussels sprouts. There's something so scrumptious and cozy about the...